The Power of the Mythical Manipulator
15 August 2006
So let me get this straight. Bin Laden wasn't responsible for 9-11 and the tapes where he claims so were faked? He was a patsy as were the 19 hijackers who are alive and well running convenience stores somewhere? The planes that crashed didn't, were drones instead, the real planes and passengers having been whisked off somewhere. The taped calls from the planes were faked.

The disguised substitutions were because we could better blow up the Pentagon. Oh no, that's not right because despite using special drones which could carry explosives, other explosives were carefully set in the twin towers.

And the proof of that is... that the structural collapse of the buildings when structure was removed by melting (in the most studied structural collapse in history) looks a lot like like the structural collapse of buildings where structure was removed by tiny explosive charges.

And this master plan was carried out by an administration that otherwise cannot competently make a ham sandwich? And it is being kept secret in an administration that is the leakiest in history with even long-standing patriots in the NSA rebelling against the president? And the whole thing was done to make money on a stock market which lost a trillion dollars in the days after the attacks? I recommend you see this. I do. Its because it helps illustrate the sheer lunacy of belief. When people want to believe something, no fact, no confrontation with logic or reality will deter that belief, rationalizations and explanations growing to immense complexity. Blind spots enlarge to nearly the entire field of vision.

Its an absolutely amazing phenomenon and it makes you wonder what beliefs you hold yourself that have some conspiratorial agency. This silly, offensive thing really did make me wonder if there is someone somewhere who knows me to be as stupid in some of my assumptions as I think these guys are.

The funny thing is that administrations do lie. And they do cover up. And they do get caught. But when they get caught it is because the truth is so obvious and the motive so clear any other explanation just wouldn't make much sense. Johnson lied about Tonkin in order to intervene in Vietnam, for instance. The Air Force lied about UFOs to cover up a secret cold war balloon project.

Why do people insist on grand conspiracies? I suppose it is a deep need for order in the world. If something happens, someone must have caused it. If there is an event, it must be part of some powerful plan we can only dimly see. If you prefer not to believe in a God that is actively pulling the strings, then the next best thing is a secret cabal of all-powerful humans (or alternatively aliens) that is centralized, whole and incredibly omniscient.

And where do these ideas come from? Well, increasingly these days they are coming from movies, which spin tales of noir manipulators, gods on earth. So in a way, this horror movie is simply one of a group that we absorb to help us cope with what we feel we must believe.


Ted's Evaluation -- 2 of 3: Has some interesting elements.
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