Movie just OK - looking for the name of the wedding song
22 August 2006
Just watched the movie on TV last night (8/21/06). I've seen better, I've seen worse but I did keep watching. I would like to find out the name of the song and where I can get it if possible of the tune that was played while Goldie and George were at the Jewish wedding. If anyone is out there that could help me with the song - that's really what I would like to have. As for purchasing the movie, I probably will not do that. The 10 line minimum is getting to me as I really don't have a whole lot more to say about the movie. I would really have liked to cut to the chase. The movie even on TV had language that wasn't necessary. I am still a fan of older movies. Also there were some funny scenes in the movie. It's nice to see a lot of the character actors as well.
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