shoot the messenger,an artist's point of view
3 September 2006
Clearly,there have been so many issues raised about the film Shoot the messenger and naturally,majority would be offended.I actually watched the movie but i would not term it as being racist. The point here is that certain events happen and we interpret it in different meanings.As a black African actor,my views are entirely different.The writer constructed a story which could be based on a life experience or from the norms of the society.Where the writer failed and which has led to this controversy is the generalization of the whole black community.We have to understand that within the black community,we are different.i would like to break this down into 3 groups. We have the African Americans, Afro-Caribbean,and the core Africans. I have been lucky & opportuned to have experienced and mixed with these 3 groups.The Africans would be the most offended here and the Afro-Caribbeans the least.Yes we have one thin in common and that is being black but let us not forget that our cultures and background are completely different.The writer basing the story on all blacks is the cause of the heat.Ther would have been several better ways of penning this story which has morality and facts but it was detailed wrongly.Obviously the BBC airing this knew what they were doing.Let us not be fooled but the world is watching our reactions. Personally, as a black African there were certain comments in the movie that i would never agree with which i would enumerate subsequently. While we start hitting each other,i would like us to ponder over recent events that have taken place.i would mention 2.Firstly,the Mel Gibson Jewish comments.Secondly,the airing of the US president being assassinated. We don't need to e told that Mel who is a star in his own right has publicly apologized and the questions on the lips of Americans.......Let us remember,the eyes of the world are watching
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