Widmark's Nadir
10 September 2006
Richard Widmark when asked what was his worst film has to answer A Talent for Loving. How he got roped into this one, the Deity only knows.

What A Talent for Loving attempts to do is combine a sex farce and a western comedy in the same film and it succeeds at being neither.

Widmark is a gambler who wins the deed to a big ranch in Mexico from a Mexican bandit played by Topol in one overacted performance. The ranch belongs to Cesar Romero and he and Widmark hit it off. So much so that he's no sooner sat down to the family table than Romero is trying to fix him up with his daughter.

Seems as though there's a family curse at work. Romero's ancestor back in those conquistador days kanoodled with 634 Aztec women and Montezuma put a curse on the family. The women upon their first romantic encounter become insatiable nymphomaniacs. The only way to save them from a life of degradation is to get them married a.s.a.p.

That is the talent for loving the title talks about. And it goes down from there folks. Topol isn't the only one who overacts, everyone here does. I suppose it was the best thing to do keep one's sanity.
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