The Anna Nicole Show (2002–2004)
Is she really as "stupid" as you guys think?
12 September 2006
Most people have commented on Anna Nichol's intelligence and her weight, but what I don't understand is, most of these people probably aren't making the money she is. She couldn't be that dumb. How much do you guy's make every year? Does each one of you have perfect bodies? Could any one of you make as much money as she does without even being "dumb" or "overweight"? If she has these two problems and still can be successful, then who's really stupid. Give her a break...she made a comeback and there's enough money in the world to go around. I believe the point of her show was to make people interested enough to watch, which you all did. That, my dear friends, was the reason they aired the show and you all fell for it. Everything is a reality show now, whether good or bad. I'm sure no one held a gun to your head and made you watch it. The fact that you decided to watch her show is on you. She's making more money than you'll ever see in your lifetime.....sweeeeeeeeeeeet.
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