sweet little film for 1900, but an amazingly dull curio when seen today
15 September 2006
This is one of those dull little films that impressed audiences in the 1890s but today seems very dull and dated. Grandma and her grandson are using her magnifying glass to look at stuff. They look at each other and they look at the cat. Nothing particularly interesting or compelling. It just goes to show you that life in the "Gay 90s" must have been pretty boring!! Today, despite the film's brevity, I can't imagine anyone but a die-hard Cinephile enjoying this clip. I am a history teacher and film lover, but I STILL found this pretty tedious and uninspiring. At the same time this dull stuff was being made, the French director/actor/producer Georges Méliès was making some very innovative films with actual plots, sets and amazing camera tricks. Seek out his stuff instead.
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