Frenchman's Creek (1998 TV Movie)
Okay on a Wet Afternoon
24 September 2006
Having read the book many years ago, my memory of the story wasn't at it's best when I started to watch this adaption. Still, I found it hard to feel much empathy for the heroine, Lady Dona, her behaviour being totally selfish. No wonder her daughter was willing to betray her mother's French lover and his cohorts. After all the woman did rip the highly religious little girl's crucifix from around her neck and toss it out the carriage window! Also her husband may be not as exciting as her French lover, but he obvious adores her and has more balls than she gives him credit for.

I was disappointed with the feeling this production gave me in general. Being a English history buff, I must admit my political support was with Dutch King William of Orange and Queen Mary (King James' eldest daughter and heir) and his Protestant supporters, as Catholic James II was a pig-headed, stubborn man, unlike his brother Charles II, and didn't know when to keep his religious beliefs to himself in such religiously turbulent times. Maybe those unaware of politics of that time will enjoy it more. Don't if you are aware of the consequences of James II's foolishness. One should also be aware that the people of Cornwall and Devon bore a grudge against James II because he slaughtered many of their men who rose in support of Charles II illegitimate son, the Duke of Monmouth, who tried to claim the throne from his uncle in an uprising. Watch the 2000 BBC adaption Lorna Doone, which takes place at the same time. A much better production.
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