Not As Wild & Crazy As I Had Hoped
27 September 2006
I've always loved those Keystone Cops and slapstick scenes with the great silent comedians performing outrageous stunts and chases down city streets. With that in mind, I paid big bucks for this VHS a dozen years ago, thinking it would be a compilation of one wild chase scene after the other. Terrific reviews of this tape made me believe that it was just that.

I wound up disappointed because only the last two scenes, both done by Max Sennett, were what I was looking for, and a long clip of Buster Keaton's "The General" was no good to me since I already owned it (and I owned only three silent films at the time). Some of the other clips also dragged on way too long and weren't spectacular or that funny. The famous ice flow scene was pretty cool, I'll say that, but not enough other things in here made this worth the money.
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