Review of Smith

Smith (2006–2007)
"Smith" premiere
27 September 2006 the postperson who said the pilot episode of Smith was somewhat boring and slow at times? It's something we rarely see in most t.v. shows these days, except for maybe "Lost," known as character development. I thought the "Smith" pilot was very good, because like "Lost," I felt like I was watching a movie instead of a t.v. show. The music, production, acting, editing, "character development" and action scenes were well done. I think that a lot of ground got covered in the opening episode. The 2nd episode didn't quite "wow!" me as much as the opener, but it was still engaging nonetheless. I had a problem in the 2nd episode with a place like Venice Beach being so void of people during a beautiful, sunny day, so that a full-on motorcycle chase could take place with no innocent bystanders being harmed. Also, you would think that if the robbers are supposed to keep a low profile after their nearly botched Pittsburgh heist, that Jeff (Simon Baker) would have enough sense to wear a motorcycle helmet (required by law in CA.) in order to avoid hassle with the authorities. But I guess that's just the daredevil in his character, or perhaps just an oversight on the show's writers.
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