Was Peter Jackson to busy to make this film?
9 October 2006
Awful dreck. I read the books as a kid and I really wanted to like this movie. But, I am sorry to say that I have been disappointed by the film makers.

Whoever told these folks they had a good script for this movie? That person should lose their job immediately. It is CS Lewis, for God's sake, how on earth could they mess this up? The story of Narnia is rich, fulfilling and extremely gripping and entertaining. Mr. Lewis wrote a marvelous tale of fantasy and adventure that surely any trained professional screen writer could adapt into a marvelous movie.

Not so the case here. This movie was full of boring clichés, idiotic dialogue, boring scenes of nothing, then too fast scenes where actions take place so fast you can not be sure exactly what is happening and why.

These people should have studied The Lord of the Ring films. I mean for the cost of a weekend rental they could have had an epic movie making seminar and maybe they would not have ended up with this mess of a film that is right now playing in the background on my lap top.

Writing this review is more entertaining than this watching movie.

What is up with the acting in this movie? Seriously, not a good performance among the cast is to be had. Everyone seems as bored as I am right now. I just could care less about any of the main characters. Honestly.

I will say the one thing I was impressed with was the lion. Good special effect. But that is it. The actor doing the voice of Aslan sounds like he is reading a long menu and can't decide what he wants to order.

Well, watch it if you must. But you should read the books. As I said, they are fun, exciting, well imagined and written.

I hope someone who knows how to make a great epic adventure film comes along and has a go at Narnia. And dear lord I hope these film makers have no plans to continue the series. They should all be fired.
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