The Most Dangerous Game, with Ice-T
10 October 2006
What we have here is a film that works from one of the most overused premises around - namely, the one pioneered by Irving Pichel and Ernest B. Schoedsack in the classic thriller "The Most Dangerous Game". Since then, it's been used in a number of films, including the likes of John Woo's Hard Target, and Jess Franco's Tender Flesh. I am, of course, talking about the idea of a group of hunters capturing, releasing and then killing the most dangerous prey known to man - man. This film focuses on Jack Mason; a down and out drifter who decides to kill himself after finding his dog and only friend dead one morning. However, he's saved and ends up travelling to an island where he thinks he's going to be helping some hunters, but actually he's what they're planning to hunt. There really isn't much I can say about this film as it's all purely routine, and if you've ever seen anything like this before; you're bound to know what's going to happen. The film stars Ice-T, who actually delivers a likable performance in the lead role despite a very silly looking hairstyle. The rest of the case is fleshed out by cult actors such as Rutger Hauer and Gary Busey, although nobody really stands out amid the tedium. As a basic thriller, the film is entertaining enough - although I would hesitate to recommend it to anyone well versed in this sort of film as they're bound to have seen it all before.
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