Review of Skidoo

Skidoo (1968)
A textbook "How not to make a movie"
15 October 2006
Actually, I found this movie unforgettable. Unfortunately for all the wrong reasons. I happened across this plodding stinker one rainy Saturday afternoon way back in the '70's on TV, and sat there wide eyed in morbid fascination as to how bad it was. At first I thought the whole thing was a "piss-take", a send up, but after a while the awful truth sank in. The "plot" such as it is, has been described by others, but the molasses like leaden direction of Preminger has to be seen to be believed, as is the so called funny one liners, delivered by the actors with embarrassment. In fact, there's almost an embarrassed silence after some of them as if the actor is thinking "DidI really say that?" What the hell am I doing here?" Quite simply, a movie that should never have been made, except to show budding actors & directors and screenplay writers HOW NOT to further their careers.
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