A twisted family story with plenty of showy performances by the cast.
18 October 2006
A pretty sick twisted story of a boy caught in a family of alcohol abuse, drugs and mental illness AND it's a comedy! It is hard to watch in spots knowing that it is apparently true. Ultimately it is a story of survival. The director said after the screening I saw that the guy who wrote the autobiographical book on which the movie was based did not want the characters demonized... so even a pedophile looks like an OK kind of guy.

Annette Bening may get some recognition for the role. She is totally un-retouched with no makeup and plays the part as someone who makes bad decisions not as a crazy woman...although she is spinning out of control. Can anyone tell me why Gwyneth Paltrow takes small weird parts like this? Her career is chock full of throwaway parts.
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