Noah's Outing (1932)
Entertaining short in the Farmer Al Falfa series
11 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
This short is largely a re-telling of the Noah's Ark story, with modifications, in the style of Terrytoons. Farmer Al Falfa is basically Noah here. I will discuss some details, so there are mild spoilers below:

This starts out with Farmer Al Falfa sitting around and enjoying the day. Then the rain starts and the sprint to get in the ark begins. There are sight gags, often puns (for instance, lightning strikes a cloud and it begins raining cats and dogs-something that happens more than once) throughout the short. It's overwhelmingly sight gags, actually.

One of the best happens relatively early and has to do with a horse struck by lightning. I won't spoil it here.

There really isn't that much of a plot. Lots of different bits play off of lightning bolts, there's a fairly funny bit with a turtle who decides to try and increase his speed in a rather novel way and a very prim and proper female hippo being rowed in a canoe by a mouse! The ending is cute, if predictable.

This short is available on the DVD Attack of the '30s Characters and is well worth seeing. Recommended.
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