Finally, a modern romance I actually like.
17 November 2006
I am a massive fan of Woody Allen's films, such as Annie Hall, Manhattan and Husbands and Wives. They simultaneously amalgamate witty romance with this inevitable melancholy that comes with it all. I must admit, I have never seen an Ed Burns film before, nor have I seen him act much before, except for Saving Private Ryan. So this was a new venture for me.

It's safe to say, I was very surprised by this film. It has a style and form similar to that of Allen's Husbands and Wives. Ed Burns is very likable, and has great charisma as an actor. Graheam really shows her worth as an actor in this film - though I loved her in Boogie Nights and Swingers as well. Tucci, Murphy and Krumholtz are all on top form too.

It's an entertaining piece of cinema, one that didn't take itself too seriously and indulge in those oft-walked streets of New York. It was fresh, young and truthful, with characters that have shades to them, and aren't just two dimensional cut outs.

I highly recommend this film to everyone.
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