It's worth watching the first 30 minutes of stupidity just to see Skeletor's actions at the end.
22 November 2006
Warning: Spoilers
A friend, recently, gave me a tape with this flick, and while he gave it to me he also gave me a look that said "Be afraid! Be very, very afraid!" And he has a point! Stupidity is in fact a word that can describe the first 30 minutes of this film. But then again, this is He-Man we're talking about, and THIS IS a Christmas special. Two sh*ts not a gold make, but another sh*t. But - the main thing about this cartoon that you shouldn't miss at all is somewhere at the end, when Skeletor fights the Christmass spirit and tries to remain good, and eventually he saves the day, which makes him say the immortal line " I'm glad that Christmass comes only once in a year." (or did She-Ra said that?). Trust me, if you're a true He-Man fan, and especially Skeletor fan, you should watch this cartoon just for that one scene. Overall, it's got a basic dose of stupidity for a Christmass cartoon but it still have that old He-Man charm that will make your Christmass great.(well, if you're in that kind of stuff)
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