Unique view of this movie
9 December 2006
I have the unique experience of watching the movie and also watching the movie being made. I am from Sutter county California which is where a great deal of the filming was done. Also, my father had a bit part in this movie. Some of the best memories was during meal times (which was provided by the MGM studios). The filming crew members and actors (my dad also) ate together. During the set meal time My brother got to set on George Kennedy's lap for a short time and interact with several actors. This film did not bring in a lot of money at the box office but was a really good film. Cinematography, direction and acting are great. The message of how the south had(was)having a hard time with accepting racial equality may have been the reason for the movies less than stellar box office attraction...America was tired of the Vietnam War and of the civil rights struggle... it seems that it was time to move on. This is Just my opinion.
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