Star Pilot (1966)
Charming and somehow innocent in its incoherence
9 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Sometimes a movie is so silly and retarded and inept that you can't help liking it in spite of its many deficiencies.

Watching "2 + 5", I can only imagine that the director saw a couple of American science fiction classics like "Forbidden Planet" and "The Thing", and was so thrilled that he immediately went off to make films just like them.The problem was, he had no idea of the time and talent and effort that went into those productions, and he just slapped a bunch of story ideas and stock footage together, expecting the magic of film to somehow inject quality into the end-product. Instead, the results resemble what you'd get if a bunch of precocious 3rd graders put on a musical pageant based on "Planet Of The Apes".

One of the cheesiest (if enjoyable) aspects of the production is the young woman who plays the part of the ingénue; she wears an amazing variety of alarming and distracting outfits that seem calculated to completely destroy the composition of any shot she appears in. Seriously. The other actors and actresses will be emoting away, and she will walk in and totally disrupt any atmosphere or mood the scene or shot might have by gadding about in some runway outfit complete with violent decals, eye-searing stripes, go-go boots, fringes,spandex and feathers. Sometimes the camera even follows her while the other poor saps are still carrying on the actual plot-driving dialog. The running joke among the group of people I watched this with was, "For 10 points: guess which cast member slept with the producer or director (or both)?!"

Also of note is a drunken walk of a plot, which starts out as an mystery, veers into an story of international intrigue and conflict (with the "2" part of the "2+5" cast,who are "Oriental, not Chinese!"), mutates into an alien abduction scenario a la "This Island Earth", and then decides it's a time travel paradox story resulting in an "Cosmic Adam And Eve" resolution that wasn't really justified by anything that came before it. And some really badly translated and dubbed dialog. Half the time I wondered if the voice actors doing the dubbing were actually reading the English phonetically, with no real idea of what they were saying.

But as I said...there is just something so innocent about the whole mess that I can't help but like it. A little, anyway. This is a "movie" in the same way that your kid's refrigerator art is a "painting." Nothing here resembles a mature, competent product, but you end up being somewhat fond of it.
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