Doctor Who: The Runaway Bride (2006)
Season 3, Episode 0
There Goes The Bride!
26 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
With 'The Christmas Invasion' in 2005, 'Dr.Who' effectively displaced 'Only Fools & Horses' as the 'must-see' B.B.C. Christmas Day programme. The king is dead, long live the king. With Billie Piper gone, 'The Runaway Bride' needed to be good - fortunately, it was. Very good indeed.

Beginning with secretary Donna Noble being spirited away from her wedding and dumped aboard the Tardis ( thereby removing the need for a lengthy reprise of Rose's tearful departure from 'Doomsday' ), the show was a tour de force of witty one-liners, great S.F.X. and nifty performances. Had it been twenty-five minutes longer it could have passed for a decent feature film. The Tardis chasing the taxi was worth tuning in for alone. I laughed out loud when the children in the car mouthed 'Jump!'.

Before last Christmas, we wondered how David Tennant would shape up as the Doctor. Well, now we know - he is excellent. He handled with aplomb the humorous aspects of 'Bride', particularly his exchanges with Donna and later, the Empress of The Rachnoss. But his heartbreak at losing Rose had not dissipated - he saw her at the wedding reception. I hope his departure from the role is a long way off. I have to admit to not being a fan of Catherine Tate's T.V. show, but here she made a good contrast with Rose, being older, louder, brasher and - dare I say it - common as muck, but becoming gradually more sympathetic as the story progressed. When Lance stuck the knife in, you were on her side. As for Sarah Parish as the Empress, what a performance! That make-up job must have been hell! Nice that we didn't see her actual death. A return appearance would be welcome.

The plot may have been thin, but 'Bride' pushed all the right buttons; it had action, comedy, tragedy and, above all, spectacle. The finale in the Empress' underground lair was literally stupendous. If you watched 'Emmerdale' instead - more fool you! Three cheers to B.B.C. Wales for producing yet another seasonal treat!
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