Gunslinger Girl (2003–2004)
Great anime/manga series
21 December 2006
The anime is really good. I saw some episodes up on youtube and decided to buy the DVD set of the first three volumes. Its not exactly the most action packed anime but its still really good. The manga is great also, I recently started reading them and its very similar to the show. I would suggest the manga if you want to check it out you and can find it like at a Barnes and Noble or something. Unfourtinately I don't think we are going to be getting any more Gunslinger Girl here in America because the ADV manga company that published the book series went out of business and I know in Europe and Japan they already have almost 9 volumes. It makes me wish I could read French or Japanise. But if the anime show is still going on in Japan than I wouldn't doubt that funimation would make those available in America again in English.
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