Glad to know that I just didn't understand the film
6 January 2007
I kinda watched this film in a bad mood hoping for a good laugh, Leslie Neilson always makes me laugh. Especially parody movies, since I wasn't into 2001: A Space Odessey, I thought that this was a fun looking movie that would make fun of that film. Well, it turned into something pretty bad, I really couldn't find myself laughing at any of the situations, which is sad, because I find the stupidest situations very funny and I am easily amused. But I was curious if maybe it was my bad mood that killed the comedy for me, but I looked on IMDb before watching it again and it's not just me apparently.

Well, a some what take off of the Naked Gun series, only in outer space situations, Leslie is now Dick Dix, a clumsy detective that is sent to a planet called Vegan where he learns that President Clinton has been kidnapped and cloned and that the clone is on Earth with bad intentions for the world. Or as it seems, Dick actually plants the clone by accident and well... it just wasn't funny.

The jokes tried too hard and the story was just weak, it could have been something special, but unfortunately they took too much advantage of the Naked Gun series, which was pretty sad. I know Leslie can do much better and he has, so I forgive him. For those users who are looking for a recommendation here, I'm not going to give you one because like I said, I thought it was just me that didn't like the film, but I think the rating is enough warning in itself.

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