Review of Apocalypto

Apocalypto (2006)
Very impressive
7 January 2007
Like many, I find what I have been hearing about Mel Gibson's views rather depressing but I felt it wouldn't be right or fair to judge the film because of him as a person. It's interesting that of the 6 or 7 reviews of this film I had read prior to seeing the film were mostly incredibly negative and I'm now more inclined to think those reviews were biased by the critics personal feelings (of which I do in large agree with, but...)and not on the achievements of the film itself.

I have to say I found the film a wonderful, enjoyable experience that I can't recommend enough to anyone who is vaguely interested in seeing it, either because of the controversy of Mr Gibson or because you are curious about past South American civilisations. While it probably takes artistic liberties with the real history it nonetheless gives an excellent flavour of the past (and pardon, but more "primitive" societies)and is bluntly honest in its depiction not just of violence but of how communities such as this must have cohabited. I'm also very impressed, along with many with the fact that it actually uses the ancient Mayan language. I think this is something many are growing to like about his films.

I do agree with a few other comments on this site, I personally dislike the sadistic nature of many films these days, for example those such as the Saw trilogy, but in this case I can tolerate the gore and cruelty because it has a firm grounding in reality. To deny this sort of real violence would do the film and history an injustice. Because of this, I can't say the violence was gratuitous per se; though I did giggle at one point at the end as it was very "Gibson'esque" in the way the blood spurting out of a mans head was done - and I need to stress I am not a man who does gore particularly.

Give it a whirl and see what you think, for the fact that I'm writing this comment, when I rarely bother is indication that at least something inspired me to write it in the first place.
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