I loved this movie
8 January 2007
Warning: Spoilers
To be quite honest I just got in to Asylum recently and have been lucky enough to interview the director of this movie, Leigh Scott. The first movie I saw was, "Beast of Bray Road" and I really enjoyed that. It was cheesy and fun. So when I saw that they had done a King Kong type movie that mixed with The Lost World I got excited.

This movie had some really cool CGI F/X and knowing that the budget for this flick must have been extremely well it was pulled together quite nice. Now the only thing I had a problem was not enough of the giant ape. If it had more of that and less of the survival story than maybe just maybe it would have been a bit better.

But other than that one little flaw I must say it was really well done. Which is funny cause I hate all these negative reviews I've been reading about their flicks. To tell you the truth I'd rather watch an Asylum tie in than one of the glossy pieces of crap thats been out lately. King Kong was a waste of 3 hours plus of my time. It dragged on way too much. This movie barely drags on and it kept my attention the whole way through.

And lastly the Asylum picks the hottest and best actors and actresses around. Good job, Asylum... combining talent with good looks. A feat thats sometimes not even easy to pull off in Hollywood. All in all I recommend this movie to anyone who enjoys sitting back at home with your friends on a Friday night, eating popcorn, drinking beers, and having a good time. I know I'll be going to Blockbuster soon and renting some more. That, you can count on.
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