The Betty Hutton Show (1959–1960)
It had a good premise,but found no audience
13 March 2007
I was eleven when this show came on and I immediately liked the character portrayed by Betty Hutton. I still have a comedic memory of her trying to cross the street while still a manicurist, almost being hit by a car, and her yelling after the speeding car to "Back up Mister, you missed me!" It was a wonderfully funny line.

The second memory I have of the show was a far more poignant one. Betty Hutton, as Goldie, is being courted by a broke socialite with an eye to the main chance. He has invited her to classy restaurant and she is trying to dress properly for her date. Naturally, she is over-dressed and the two older children cruelly make fun of her. The youngest boy treats her kindly and helps her to tone down to let her real beauty shine through. Goldie remarks that of all the kids, the boy is the most like his father.

I enjoyed it, but the timing and the quality of the writing didn't live up to the talent of Miss Hutton. I think that if it had been given another season to expand the concept that it could have had a modest success!
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