Crazylove (2005)
so what if its glossy?
26 March 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I'll start by saying its refreshing to see a movie that does not make crass and/or absurdist humour about the subject of mental illness (just take a look at any movie that portrays TOURETTES syndrome and you will understand what i mean. Tourettes is a debilitating illness, not just the occasional yelled obscenity littering your conversations. But anyway, onto the movie at hand.

Crazy Love is about a woman who suffers a nervous breakdown and is institutionalised. While in the ward she meets a schizophrenic man and they begin a relationship. If you're reading this you've seen the movie so I won't go into any more detail.

Many comments complain this film does not accurately portray the mental illnesses it depicts. Uh huh, that's without a doubt true but that's NOT the POINT of the film!!! If you want realism go and borrow mental illness information DVDs from your doctor! And so what if it's "glossed over"? The last thing you need if you are feeling depressed is a film that will make you feel worse.

It was a film done on the cheap and by fairly inexperienced film-makers, so cut them some slack. Reiko Aylesworth is awesome in the main role. I'd never watched 24, so i was pleasantly surprised to find a new actress to be a fan of. Furthermore she's not too hard to look at either! The scene in the supermarket with the jars of olives...totally believable and I really felt for her.

It does indeed have it's fair share of cheesy moments and romantic-drama clichés, but get over them. It does away with a cheap-shot ending and left me going "huh...that actually was a REALLY GOOD movie!"
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