B.U.S.T.E.D (1998)
Really, really bad, and not in a good way.
4 April 2007
The presence of the director/writer in a pivotal (but highly unconvincing) role would probably be a clue.

This is a vast, flabby vanity project featuring people who should have been more vain, at least when choosing how they appear on celluloid. The always cringe-worthy Goldie and the Laughing Gnome battle it out for the title of worst musician actor, and thats about the only interesting thing in this artless morass of lame empty posturing and pathetic macho gangsterism.

Say what you like about posho's like Guy Ritchie making caper flicks, at least he can make a well crafted film that looks like it had at least one grown up keeping an eye on things.

Avoid like the clap. Gets two just for Rachel Shelleys impressively augmented rack.
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