Dead Tides (1996)
Dead Tides - It's a Floater!!!
15 April 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Dead Tides review **Spoiler Alert** - Spoilers abound in thee review below. Arrghh!!

Dead Tides should've been titled Dead Boring, because that's what it was until the last 10-15 minutes. Roddy Piper is believable as a sailor (ex-Coast Guard and SEAL), Tawny Kitaen plays the cold hearted femme fatale to the "T", and Juan Fernandez has the ruthless, psychotic drug lord down perfect. The supporting cast (Camilla More, Miles O'Keefe) also did fine, except at times Trevor Goddard, who played the jealous boyfriend, seemed pretty stiff with his acting. If someone said a former wrestler was in this flick, he'd be the first one you'd look at. Of Course, Roddy P & The Rock have gone far beyond the stereotypical ex-wrestler/actor with their versatility and fine acting. I'd say the writing and the plot are the main culprits here. If you're waiting for action, you might as well watch the first couple minutes and then fast forward to the last 15 minutes or so of the movie,....unless you consider someone being thrown overboard into the ocean as action. Also, There's a couple "love triangles" going on, but they ending up just feeling confusing, and not authentic. And here's some just a couple continuity questions, Why wouldn't Roddy shoot Tawny after she had already shot him in the stomach? And how could he lose that much blood after being shot on the boat, lay out in the sun handcuffed for the rest of the voyage, and then come back and fight off all the guards/body guards on the island? I'd have to rate this a 4 out of 10. Some fans of Roddy Piper may enjoy his conflicted performance, but I felt they made his character just a little too laid back and too willing to get walked over by the other characters. Would I watch this again? Only if I had the remote handy for scanning forward or if I had Insomnia. Dead Tides was pretty much Dead on Arrival.
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