17 April 2007
Basically, if you have to see one western, watch this one. From the opening credits, you can tell its going to be a stylish, bloody ride.

What I admire most about this film is the attention to detail. Leone doesn't rush scenes; sometimes we have shots up to five minutes without dialogue.

Tension chews nearly every scene as we observe the eyes and hands of the characters. It's as much a film of greed and civil war, as it is about deception.

The acting is perfect all round. Clint, Wallach and Cleef are all amazing in their roles. They manage to live up to their roles of good, bad and ugly well, but it's not as clear cut as that. The characters in this film are all morally ambiguous and so they should be. At a time like the civil war, even the "good" can be "ugly".

Great direction, superb acting and amazing style. The film is very efficient at telling its story - and the ending is amazing.

Definitely watch this.
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