TV Nation (1994–1995)
NBC wouldn't let them say "condom", but would show a violent movie like "Dirty Harry"
23 April 2007
Apparently, when "TV Nation" debuted, Michael Moore decided that since we supposedly freed Kuwait in the Gulf War, to see how free they really were. That was just a start to his quest to expose the radical right for what it really was. The Republican seizure of power a few months after the debut naturally gave Moore more (sorry for the pun) material that he could have ever dreamed of.

Look, I know that the right wing likes to claim that Michael Moore lies about everything, but from what I can tell, they still claim that Saddam Hussein ordered the 9/11 attacks. They're just bitter that "Bowling for Columbine" won Best Documentary Feature and that "Fahrenheit 9/11" won the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival. As far as I'm concerned, Michael Moore speaks for world opinion.

Anyway, I totally recommend this TV show. Also read Michael Moore's books and Al Franken's books to learn more about these topics.
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