Review of Phone

Phone (2002)
Depressing and creepy
28 April 2007
This is the kind of horror film that is based around a story and not just a string of scares. It's like What Lies Beneath, Stir of Echoes, and The Grudge combined, with traces of The Ring. The acting is very good, especially from the little girl. There's good build-up, dread, and atmosphere, as well as disturbing and creepy images. It's also got its soap opera elements - there is heartbreak, deceit, and tragedy. The cruelty of some of the characters' actions was truly depressing and it made me angry and sad.

With that said, it's derivative and had me rolling my eyes at times. The editing is confusing at times, too, and the pace is slow.

If you want something original, try something else. If you want to be scared or want to feel like crap, watch this movie.
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