Good TV Movie
29 April 2007
Dempsey "Demp" Cain (belated now, Christopher Reeve) was one of those law officers that did everything by the book. He was a very good police officer. Maybe, he was too good! His brother, Nick Cain (Edward Kerr) was a police officer as well. During an event on the job, catching the thugs who killed a fellow officer, Demp gets shot. Basically, he took the bullet for his brother. Nick had read his deposition and approached the subject with Demp while he was hospitalized. Demp told Nick that he was his brother, and he knew that he would have done the same for him. But in actuality, an event during this shakedown tipped Demp off to how corrupt his family really was. Two of the most important people in his life, his own family, were having an affair behind his back. Nick and his wife, Gail Cain (Kim Cattrall), had been having an affair for some time now. But using his paralysis, along with a little sympathy, and time to think, was just what he needed to come up with the ultimate pay back.

There was just one problem in this plot of revenge though; his name was Alan Rhinehart (Joe Mantegna), another fellow cop on the force. Alan was a good cop as well. He just did things differently than Demp. He was not a 'do it by the book' kind of cop, but he had good instincts. He was the "Songbird" during this revenge plot. But fortunately for Demp, No one on the force would listen to him. They kept telling him to leave it alone. But Alan just couldn't! He knew that Demp was guilty in this revenge plot. He launched a series of complaints against Demp, which put demp in a legal jam for a short while. Ultimately though, because of Alan pursuing his accusations, it led to his sudden end with the department. And does Demp get away with his revenge against his brother and wife? That's left to be seen when you watch the movie!

"Above Suspicion," is a very good TV movie; it's kind of short, but it gets its point across! It also leaves you missing Christopher Reeve. He was a good actor, but I think that "Super Man" is what really made him though. He had a sad ending, but he had a loving wife and family that stood beside him until the end. It's ironic that he was chosen to play the part of Demp, the paralyzed cop, too.
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