Tropical Paradise?
30 April 2007
Watching Hell in the Pacific may force some people to give up certain notions about going away to a tropic isle to get away from it all. Even if Lee Marvin and Toshiro Mifune were the best of friends, cast away as they are on that tropical Pacific island, it's anything, but paradise.

But they've got World War II going against them also. A Japanese captain and an American flier stranded on a small island and having to survive. It's an interesting premise, that would have been better served in a half hour television drama. NOT Gilligan's Island though.

The film was shot on the actual locations in the Pacific where both American and Japanese lost a lot of members of one generation fighting for these coral reef lined shores. And Lee Marvin of course was one of thousands who survived on the American side.

Even for two players as capable as Lee Marvin and Toshiro Mifune can't keep the interest from flagging in spots.
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