Granny Gone Wild
2 May 2007
This comedy/drama is done in the style of a "Frank Capra" movie. Mary Robson plays a resourceful "granny" (Minerva Hatton) who is trying to protect her granddaughter from being hung up on a "murder" charge. She is being defended by an old attorney friend (Nate Paulson) played by Harry Davenport. Minerva and Nate are a 2 headed Columbo who won't stop until they get to the truth. Granny is a very independent and forceful woman for her time. She is very persuasive and usually gets her way. Her character is the true definition of what "feminism" should have been then and now for that matter. Her character is not afraid to step on toes once in a while. The ends surely justifies the means here. Her movie sidekicks are all the familiar faces from that genre of movies in the late 30's, early 40's. While this movie is short in length, it really packs a punch and keeps you riveted. The editing in this movie is very good for its time and should have been nominated. This movie has all the right elements that work together for it to work successfully. I would have hoped that this may have developed into a series like that of the "Thin Man". Unfortunately, Mary Robson died 2 years after this movie was released, on October 20th, 1942. She has the notoriety of being the oldest born actress (1856) to ever be nominated for an academy award (Lady for a day-directed by Frank Capra). This is a movie that everyone could enjoy. Please check this out, you won't be disappointed.
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