Eve of Destruction
10 May 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Mediocre sci-fi thriller about a renegade android, Eve VIII(Renée Soutendijk)who malfunctions when she is shot by a bank robber while on a mission. Her creator, Dr. Eve Simmons(also Renée Soutendijk)designed the female android with the same facial characteristics, while also transferring memories, thoughts, and feelings from herself. Those memories reoccur in Eve VIII's mind and she reacts violently. She is very dangerous because, she is a nuclear threat as well. Equipped with a machine gun, this android has to be stopped because she is also very powerful with the ability to toss men across rooms and in the air with ease. The secret government group funding the Eve project enlist the aide of Colonel Jim McQuade(Gregory Hines)with expertise in anti-terrorism, to somehow stop the malfunctioning killer android before truly dire consequences erupt. Many innocent bystanders, and a few profane undesirables, will cross Eve VIII's path and suffer the consequences. The film shows how Dr. Eve must assist McQuade in his efforts to find and kill her creation(a shot through the eyes is the way to down it). The android targets Eve's father(for the murder of her mother which returns in a memory)and later, in the film's harrowing climax in the New York subway, her son.

The film owes a hell of a lot to the really good leads who work well off each other. I've always felt Hines had a strong presence on-screen, very easy to like and charismatic. He takes what could've easily been a dull role and injects life into it. I like his character because he's sympathetic to Eve's cause, yet looks at the dire, difficult situation they find themselves with a levelheadedness. Renée Soutendijk, I thought, was very impressive in this film..having to portray two different characters while making both of them different than the other is an outstanding accomplishment. I give praise for her work in such a rather unextraordinary sci-fi actioner. Pretty much by-the-numbers, but the leads keep it interesting.

Kevin McCarthy has a cameo as Eve's now old-aged father.
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