Sherlock Holmes (1954–1955)
a surprisingly likable and effective Holmes and Watson
11 May 2007
This series is a real find. First I spotted some episodes on Bonanza, and now have obtained the entire 39 episode series on DVD.

Although my ideal Sherlock Holmes has to be Jeremy Brett in the long-running Granada TV series, this version with Ronald Howard and H Marion-Crawford is very good indeed. The level of repartee between the two is excellent and, although the writing and acting could be a little wooden at times, the short duration of episodes means the story moves along at a good pace, sometimes using a Conan Doyle tale as its base, sometimes not.

Of course there were poor episodes but these were far outweighed by the superior ones. The series does show its age in the quality of prints available, but all episodes are more or less complete and are mostly free of jitter or hiss on the soundtrack.

Now halfway through the episodes, I am looking forward to seeing the whole series and would recommend this series to all Sherlockians without hesitation.
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