Don't knock what you haven't watched.
29 May 2007
The government's official version of 19 hijackers with boxcutters is totally unacceptable. No investigative expert can simply dismiss the blatant exclusion of critical evidence throughout the "9/11 Commission Report". These important omissions are listed in an intensely well-researched report titled - "The 9/11 Commission Report: A 571-Page Lie", by Dr. David Ray Griffin. It's available online for anyone to read through. The 9/11 commission report doesn't even mention WTC 7. Hello? Was the mysterious collapse of that building not a part of the investigation? Also, how about the fact that 6 of the hijackers have been found alive. These kids may be wrong about some of their conclusions on what actually happened, but that doesn't make the government's official version of events any more credible. At least these guys are still asking the questions that have been left unanswered. We need a new investigation NOW!
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