29 June 2007
I really enjoyed TWIST AROUND THE CLOCK as a genuinely snazzy low budget 1961 dance pic with a roster of (still) very well known songs. Other comments will tell you how identical it is to ROCK AROUND THE CLOCK (it certainly is) but for me that did not diminish any of the delight. I am quite fascinated by Vicki Spencer who I see only made one other film TEENAGE MILLIONAIRE. What happened to her? In TWIST she is almost everything Ann-Margret is a year later in BYE BYE BIRDIE... even in her gorgeous looks. Dion I had never seen but knew the songs well (The Wanderer, Runaround Sue) ... he is certainly the iconic 60s nightclub star in the Bobby Darin style. I found the script hilarious. It is actually funny with some great sly comments... especially between the father and daughter nemeses... Chubby Checker is his dynamite fun self... I also thought he was very handsome in this film, given I guess he was in his mid 20s, something I had never observed... perhaps that is because I am used to seeing later years material when he looks good, but here, younger he is certainly compelling. TWIST is enormous musical fun and for kids to enjoy because they could actually dance along with it. My DVD is a Canadian reprint with new titles over the original Katzman/Columbia 35mm release... the body of the film is the same as the original film. I had such a good time watching this film... I really laughed with it and thought the songs terrific... and then there is the dance team fun.... and The incredible Marcels to top it off.
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