Review of Fuse

Fuse (2003)
Well crafted movie with many subtle details
17 July 2007
This is a good movie.

It shows many aspects of life in the aftermath of Bosnian war in one small village on the border of Bosnian and Serbian entity. Border represents a place where people will come together eventually.

Movie starts with a land mine explosion which maim young woman. Her father will take her to Germany where they were living during the war. He will say: Bosnia will never see me again.

For those who stay there life goes on.

There is mafia business going on which involves human trafficking, prostitution and black market with some police forces involved. Everyday life taken to extremes in the aftermath of war. City coming to normality (if ever, but life will find its ways and definitively an attempt has to be made). Supposed coming of American president to the village serves as backbone around all the life stories circles.

Real central story is chief policeman Zaim (went insane after his soon died in Serbia) search for his soon. He has contacts with ghost of his soon. These are beautifully shown moments of the tortured soul looking for peace. He will find peace in suicidal explosion which burns his whole house and kills him. Hence the name of the film Fire's burning. Acoompanying music is House of the Rising Soon. His younger son receives condolence from his fire-fighters colleagues - Serbs and Bosnian. At the end of movie, younger son tells to ghosts of his brother and father that they should leave him alone for a while.

All parts of the movie are crafted excellently with subtle details.
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