Review of Sicko

Sicko (2007)
Almost perfect
2 August 2007
First, the bad news: Some of the interviews go on a tad too long. And yes, Michael Moore gets a little ponderous on screen. He could have minimized himself a bit.

Now the good news: Like so many of Moore's films, watching SICKO is like hitting your funny bone — you don't know whether to laugh or cry. That's the kind of reaction one should get from any good film. Great comedies make you laugh till you cry. And great tragedies sometimes force you to laugh, albeit weakly, just to relieve the tension they produce.

Moore gives us both in spades in this documentary, which speaks very, very frankly to the ridiculous and totally inefficient way we deliver health care in the U.S. If anyone wants to learn more about this issue, I strongly recommend reading Kip Sullivan's THE HEALTH CARE MESS, available online at

THIS FILM SHOULD BE SEEN BY EVERY POLICY MAKER AND HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONAL. Unfortunately, not all will. And undoubtedly, the ones who most should see it won't. That's too bad for this country.
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