Senseless (1998)
An insult to the viewers intelligence
20 August 2007
When I'm running out of DVD's to watch, I'm kind of ready to watch anything, so last night, this was it. IMDb score was decent enough, but it was obvious to me I wasn't going to get awed by the movie.

Senseless is a comedy where the characters KNOW they're in a comedy and would do anything to get a laugh, which means, follow every cliché in history of comedy and exploit it until there's only some dust left. The plot is utterly predictable, Marlon Wayans does not understand the concept of the funny, or the concept of acting. Sure, you have to cut some slack to a comedy, you know, laws of physics do not necessarily apply, people are overly goofy, but seriously, if someone acted like the extreme non plus ultra overboard character of Marlon Wayans in real life, it would take less than a day for him to land in an insane asylum. I don't think this movie could possibly be parodied, unless the character would grimace through 100 percent of the movie, not just 95. Also, no disrespect to the actress, but I could not understand the Darryl's shock when he first saw his 'dream girl'. I just thought, wait, what, THIS girl took his breath away? In a university campus virtually littered with pretty girls? Uh... yeah... right, also, the chemical lab is full of bubbling glow-in-the-dark colored liquids, fumes, plus the stereotypical chemyst? It's like this movie was made by two screenplay writers and two directors, one team worked on making this movie for 4 year old kids, the other team worked on making it for 16+ kids and adults, then they put it in a blender, drank it, and vomited this movie.

I know, it's far easier to make a good drama, than a good comedy movie, but this piece... not just didn't make me laugh, it made me uncomfortable, irritated, nervous and angry, I felt insulted and violated. I know of no other movie that even came close to this and for achieving this, it gets a 3 instead of 1.

If you have a choice to watch this movie or stare at the ceiling, I recommend the ceiling.
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