Flimsy but fun
24 August 2007
This was a typical British light entertainment film from the '30's, starring Cicely Courtneidge giving a typically highly charged performance. Along with most of her other films from this period she didn't even mention it in her autobiography, her stage work being paramount. Husband Jack Hulbert had the same point of view: these familiar films simply brought in the money to finance the next play - Jack & Cicely's own quota quickies!

American widow dies leaving the care of her two children to her sister Kate (Courtneidge) in London – who happens to be the star at a nightclub promoting her with shady and salacious publicity. She buys a farm in Chipping Sodbury and along with her maid Kathleen Harrison tries to lead a double life pretending to be as pure as the driven snow for the kids sake. Favourite bits: Kate to her agent - "Your throat will be caught between my fingers and the pressure will be all mine" is a fair snapshot of the humour displayed; Ernest Truex (Mr Bensinger from His Girl Friday) played a bumbling middle aged American convincingly - yet again; the Everybody Dance "big" production number with Louis Levy and his Orch. looking on - although Gordon & Revel's songs were mucked about with; the Isle Of View bit with a rather sudden thunderstorm!

Viewed dispassionately it's definitely corny, contrived and clumsy, viewed like me without any prejudices or hang ups it's also witty and worthwhile watching, one I regularly see every couple of years.
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