One of the coolest squid films i ever saw!
10 September 2007
Warning: Spoilers
Wow, so cool. I loved that giant octopus and giant alligator along with the characters. It was short but very cool! Basically, its about count Dakar (real name Capitan nemo) who uses his crew for a underwater adventure while his kingdom is taken over by some guy so when they get there there's a giant alligator which they attack then they land. These fish people want the crew so they realise a giant octopus to capture them. The octopus kills one of the them then attacks the others but fails. They could have done better. I think the fight between the crew and the giant alligator should have lasted along with the octopus scene but it was still good! Was that even a giant alligator or a prehistoric monster/dinosaur. At the end, the kingdom is destroyed and Capitan nemo goes back under sea upset. The giant octopus was ugly and freaky. It was slow and could not swim in the film for some reason but it was cool that the army of fish people were with the octopus and was chasing the people. That octopus was so ugly, man but so cool. That giant alligator just appeared right when they got under the sea then the giant alligator spots them and attacks the sub but the alligator is hit by a torpedo then the giant creature fell off a cliff but was still alive and fled. I did expected this but i didn't expected it to be a short film but anyway it was weird that the begging had sound then the rest of the film had silent, what the hell? I liked how they did the octopus, better than the one in it came from beneath the sea. I cant believe the giant alligator scene, i expected it to be long because the giant alligator attacks the sub by hitting it but 15secs later, Capitan nemo shots the poor dinosaur then he falls off the cliff. Cool film, going under the sea then getting attacked by a giant alligator, giant octopus and little frog fish like people. I guess that place was the mysterious island. But why did count Dakar want to go under the sea if its inhabited by fish people, dinosaur and giant slug (first i was like 'giant slug?') then get one of there mates crusted by the tentacles. I didn't get the ending when count Dakar was like 'i don't have a life now that my island is destroyed' so then he goes back to the sub and gets to the sea, the end???? Did Capitan nemo kill himself by going under the sea by the guardian of the fish people, octopus because his kingdom was destroyed or did he want to go undersea for an adventure. I think he killed himself but couln't he build back his kingdom because he had all his citizens, soldiers and builders. Did the bad guy that got the kingdom blow up the place (well, actually not everything was destroyed)? Thats another question i don't understand, anyway they should improve the monster battles and make the film long. I give this a 10 out of 10 because its so cool. Buy this! Its 35 mins or less but its a good film.
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