The 11th Hour (I) (2007)
His heart is in the right place, but...
12 September 2007
I applaud Leonardo DiCaprio's effort to co-write and co-produce this Al Gore-style environmental warning film. I agree with his views and those espoused by the never-ending parade of speakers about the need to address the environmental collapse that threatens to destroy our way of life, and indeed our very lives, however, I think he really could have found a better way to express these views. His heart is in the right place, but Leo, my friend, heart ain't enough. He has some interesting speakers but repetition might help study for a biology exam, but it doesn't do much for entertainment.

Pack the bags, honey! We're going on a guilt trip. Al gore took us on one of these, as well, but at least he gave some amusement along the way and offered an upbeat optimistic ending that made us believe that it wasn't too late to save the whales, the tigers and all of those little humans running around ( I kind of like them). Here we are offered a parade of authors, scientists and environmental leaders telling us over and over again that we better get moving. Some solutions are looked at and those are always good to see, but a little entertainment value would have gone a long way.

Dry, but not a bad documentary, and certainly a topic that does need to driven (ummm, or commuted on a high speed electric train) into our consciousness a couple more times at least. A little more imagination and variety would have helped out here. I know that guys like Leo and Gore like to think they are persuading, but really they are mostly preaching to the choir, (will George Bush see this film? I'm guessing not - probably thinks its left wing pinko propaganda) so at least at least give us a chuckle or two along with our sermon. Still, celebrities and politicians see the public's will through box office receipts, so please see this movie.

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