Excellent Technicolor melodrama
3 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
I am an unconditional fan of Gene Tierney. I have never seen this actress in a film where I didn't like her. Whether it be in the magnificent "Heaven can Wait", the dark "Laura", the mystifying" Whirlpool" , the brilliantly witty "The Ghost and Mrs Muir" or the sumptuous "Leave Her to Heaven", she scores a hit with me every time. The film is beautifully shot - every picture is perfect with regards to lighting and detail. The choice of sets is exquisite. Can someone please explain why the picture quality of films today is less good than the Technicolor of many years ago. It is an absolute mystery. I agree that picture quality is not everything but it DOES go a hell of a long way towards making a film more pleasurable to view. Gene Tierney therefore carries the role of Ellen to perfection in this film. I come well down on her side despite many others trying to portray her as the psychotic and the villain. But the big question is : where does jealousy and possessiveness start and stop ? How long should you let family and relations invade your private life when you are married. You belong to your partner and they belong to you. It is a special relationship and any outside interference, be it from family or friends is a threat to your breathing space and your freedom of action. Of course this doesn't necessarily mean that you need to resort to murder ( or rather not murder, but letting someone die without helping them, whatever you call that ) or having a deliberate accident to kill your progeny. Of course the situation in the film is exaggerated to arouse the spectator's interest, but Ellen's attitude is not as shocking as all that. Especially as her husband ( Cornel Wild ) comes over as a BLAND WIMP ! Jeanne Crain ( Ruth ) pretty though she was, would have done better to scarper and leave them to it. The only one I felt sorry for was poor Danny who died ( I will not say "was murdered" ) in the lake. I think he got more than he deserved. But to me the real guilty party was Cornel Wild who did not love his wife enough, did not give her the passion she needed, and thus exacerbated her jealousy with the results we know. A very interesting film then, all the more so over and above its plastic beauty. Freely available on DVD in Europe. Its title has been translated into French as "Péché Mortel" ( Mortal Sin ).
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