A lifetime of mediocrity yes! But still a lifetime!
16 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
(There are Spoilers) Things couldn't be better for young Doctor James "Jimmy" Kildare, Lew Ayres, and his bride to be nurse Mary Lamont, Larrine Day, until Mary's brother Doug, Robert Young, shows up at Blair Memorial Hospital for a visit.

Doug has this grandiose plan that will pull the United States out of the Great Depression now, in 1940, in it's tenth year. Doug's plan is to retrain the population in modern science and engineering where there are tens of millions of skilled and high paying jobs just waiting for them to fill. This will not only solved the massive unemployment, running as high as 20% in 1940, crisis but create new industries that will also shrink, or completely wipe out, the National Debt.

Big ideas need big bucks and that's were Doug wants Dr. Kildare to get in touch with multi-millionaire philanthropist Robert Chandler, Pierre Watkin, who's daughter's life Dr, Kildare saved some time ago. If Chandler goes along with Doug's plan and provides the millions that he needs to pull it off all his dreams, as well as the dreams of millions of Americans, will become a reality.

Listening to Doug Dr. Kildare notices that he's a bit out of it hearing things that are in his head like imaginary bells going off. Doug in fact acts like a punch-drunk prize fighter who took one two many jabs and left hooks to the head. Dr. Kildare strongly suspects that Doug is suffering from a serious case of epilepsy which may well be hereditary and can also show up in his fiancée Mary! More afraid of Mary finding out about her brothers condition then anything else Dr. Kildare, in an experiment to find the truth, has Doug guzzle down a number of shots of whiskey. He also makes Dough stuff himself with, what looked like, a two pound juicy stake and wash it down with some half dozen cups of strong, minus cream & sugar, coffee.

Sadly in Dr. Kildare's opinion, with Doug going nutty after wolfing down all that good food and drinks, Doug is indeed suffering from a form of non-spasmodic, yet still, epilepsy. It's now up to the Doctor to tell Mary, who by now has an idea of what's wrong with her brother, the truth and possibly, besides wrecking his and Mary's wedding plans, driving the poor girl to a nervous breakdown.

It's then that Dr. Kildare's mentor and boss the head of Blair Memorial Hospital's, among other things, neurosurgery department Dr. Leonard "Lenny" Gillespie, Lionel Barrymore, comes, in his wheelchair, riding to the rescue. All Dr. Kildare had to do is find out if Doug's mental condition was either the result of an inbred biological or, as "Lenny" soon proved, outside or accidental condition.

It turns out that Doug's brains had been badly scrambled in a car accident about two years ago. An accident that for some reason Doug, maybe the accident caused him to lose his memory,totally forgot about! With proper hospital care as well as expert and successful neurosurgery preformed by Dr. Kildare Doug had completely recovered from his brain injury and by the end of the movie was as good as new. Now both Dr. Kildare and Mary can get married and as for Doug Mr. Chandler was so impressed with his idea of jump-starting the US economy that he donated to him all the millions that he needed to do it.
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