More HeWhore than Hee Haw
17 October 2007
Is this supposed to be a musical about straight men? I couldn't see any. Maybe Charles Durning. The 'chorus boys' were every bit the quintessential gay mustache guy look of the 80s and with Dom de Luise being Mr Sissy-prissy yet again in another romp with Burt, well, I just laughed and laughed and laughed. This even features a soapy shower scene in the locker room a-la CAN'T STOP THE MUSIC.... in fact this film looks like that film saddled up to be a hilarious 'whip crack-away' buckskin romp really titled SEVEN DUDES FOR SEVEN BROTHERS... ...... WHOREHOUSE has Dolly Parton's breasts wobbling around Burt and his chum Gomer Pyle as they try to solve what to do with this chicken-house full of frilly fillies. Well everyone leaps a lot with precision booties and tight pants while the older generation (Burt Dom Dolly Charles and Gomer) all try to stay out of their leapin grinnin way. I guess it looked great on a drive in screen in 1982 .... but now in 2008 we all know better. Ye Gods!
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