Right up to the end he thrived on the ironic
25 October 2007
Warning: Spoilers
(Some Spoilers) Having a morbid fear of being buried alive due to his catalepsy old man Rufus Sinclair stipulated in his will that everything should be done by both his relatives and servants after his death to make sure that he's in fact really dead. Being a bunch of greedy and uncontentious gold diggers Rufas' relatives together with his faithful but weak-minded servant Seth, Seth Lucas, overlooked what he wanted from them and had him entombed two, not the five that he demanded, days after he suddenly passed away.

For some strange reason the movie "Curse of the Living Corpse" which should have ended right there and then just keeps going on until it's final and not so surprising ending. This after the family lawyer James Benson, Hugh Franklin, had told those gathering to hear Rufus' will that their unqualified to receive any of his millions by not following Rufus' strict instructions.

Right away it becomes apparent to everyone that Rufus, since he disappeared from his coffin, is indeed alive and in his crazed condition, because of his instructions not being followed ,is out to murder everyone who had him laid to rest while he was still clinically alive and breathing. Rufus, or whoever the masked and crazed killer is, goes not only after his family members but also his maid Litty Crews, Linda Donovan, who was not only excluded from his will but didn't do anything wrong, in his premature burial, to give him just cause to murder her.

Dressed up like Zorro Rufus does in everyone in a way that they fear most by playing on their phobias; like fear of drowning suffocating and and fire. It's when the police are called in that Rufus, or whoever the killer is, becomes a bit overconfident in just how comical and ineffective they are. In fact Rufus' intended last victim is, like the brutally murdered Litty, totally innocent of his wrath, in not following his instructions, his nephews Robert, Dino Narizzano, girlfriend Deborah, Candace Hilligoss.

By then he truth is finally revealed to who's behind all these killings and it only a matter of time for the killer to get his just deserts, in what he fears the most,at the bottom of of a nearby bog on the Sinclair Estate.

Some really grizzly murder scenes, that includes a decapitation, that matched anything released back in those days, 1964, like the shower scene in "Psycho" and the string of vicious and blood splattering dismemberment's in "Blood Feast" makes the film "Curse of the living Corpes" truly terrifying to watch.

The trick ending in the movie is a bit worn out since it's obvious by then who the killer really is due to process of elimination. Still the acting and direction is far above average for a low budget horror movie like "Curse of the Living Corpse" and it's that what makes the film more then worth while to sit through.
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