Unique In Its Drawing
31 October 2007
Well, this cartoon gets points for originality, but that's about it. Humor-wise, it's almost nil in the laughter department except for a little skunk who draw one laugh with an aside comment to the audience. Other than that, there was literally nothing to laugh about. However, how it was drawn was unique.

Most of this turns out to be a cartoon-in-a-cartoon. Porky Pig is showing a tent audience a cartoon that he did, which is drawn like a small child would draw with stick figures. You see vignettes of anything from a race horse at Santa Anita to a ballet dancer on some stage. The drawings are exactly like you and I drew as very little kids and it was kind of fun to observe. I've never seen anything like this in a cartoon.

Overall, it's worth one viewing. I caught it as a bonus feature on the "Sergeant York" DVD.
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