Dull, badly acted werewolf tale from Columbia is a real yawner...
31 October 2007
CRY OF THE WEREWOLF is on the level of an Ed Wood film, a surprisingly bad little programmer from Columbia with NINA FOCH heading the cast. Her transition from human to werewolf is so poorly staged with shadows that it's laughable.

The script is dull, full of exposition for the first half-hour, and populated by some hardly competent actors. Worst of all is STEPHEN CRANE (he was Lana Turner's husband--twice), whose performance has to rank among the worst in recent memory for one who has been watching Halloween films on TCM. OSA MASSEN isn't much better but at least tries to convey her part with more feeling than Crane is able to muster.

Nina Foch plays Marie LaTour, a woman in a travelling gypsy wagon who is actually a werewolf, killing to keep her secret from others. Maybe someone like Val Lewton could have pulled this thing together, but Henry Levin's direction is no help at all and the script is a mess.

Summing up: A trite tale, poorly written and acted, not worth your time and a vehicle certainly unworthy of Miss Foch's talent.

Trivia: Inexplicably, the two best performances in the film are uncredited--JOHN ABBOTT as Peter and FRITZ LEIBER as Dr. Morris.
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