The Whistler (1944)
Quick and eerie little thriller
7 November 2007
Warning: Spoilers
"The Whistler" started out as a radio show. You hear a man whistling and he walks the night and tells thrillers. This was the first movie version of it and led to a short series of Whistler fans. You never see the Whistler--you hear him speak and whistle--that's about it.

This is story of Earl Conrad (Richard Dix). His wife died of an accident years ago and he's completely depressed. He hires a man to hire a killer to murder him. The killer (J. Carrol Naish) gets the message--but then Conrad changes his mind. But he doesn't know who's going to kill him...or when.

Tight compact little thriller. It's short (only an hour), well directed by the then unknown William Castle, has a good script and has a truly grim and spooky atmosphere. Also there's good acting by Naish and Gloria Stuart (in a thankless good girl role). The only debit is Dix. He looks uncomfortable and gives a very one note performance. But, him aside, this is a strong little B movie. Worth catching.
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